Saturday, July 9, 2011


More of the things I realized!

Part of the statements in the Reproductive Health Bill is that sex education will be implemented in the elementary and secondary (highschool) education. The church has a very strong notion against this idea because it does seem but just the inappropriate to teach kids regarding such topic. However, it says in the bill that if the parents are unable to explain these things about them, they have the option, let me say that again the option to sign a form and let the school teach this to them.

Further, the fact that with or without the Reproductive Health Bill intercourse between male and female would still exist. I think this is by far the strongest realization I have had. Hence, the purpose of the bill of being just an option for the families here in our country. The government would certainly not be able to control how couples might go about their marriages. That particular area is very personal and intimate. The government realizes that which is why this bill should be implemented so that people who might want to benefit from the ideas and advices of this bill could changed their lifestyle (if they want to).

We now live in a very modern world where in people are more liberal, critical and practical now. That change might be remorseful for some but one should face the reality. Not everybody is and will be Catholics and we should give that respect to someone regardless of their choice. This is the very sole purpose of having amendments that declares our freedom of speech, choice and press. The more this bill is prolonged the more the people will question the governments way of governance and the Churchs’ way of analogy and thinking about this particular issue.
However, one should realize it too that the reproductive health bill might encourage adversities like commitment issues but this could only happen when this bill will be abused. Hence, I think that once the bill is implemented the government should definitely be very strict about following what the bill says and does not say.

Another thing is that, we should change that mindset that whenever there are some things that do not go very well like-the industries in our country, poverty rate, education and health. We cannot fully blame the government and their corruption through this. The change should start within each and everybody in and outside our country. To get a bigger picture of what I had just said, think about seeing street children begging for money. Initially we would normally thing that “wow. Why is the government not doing anything about this?” but in a more in-depth analysis why blame the government right away? Are they the parents of these kids wandering around? Is not it the jobs of the parents to take care of the personal level of wellness of their kids? I say stop prolonging the agony of these people and let change occur, right here right now! THE RH BILL PROMOTES SOLUTION NOT HARM!

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