Saturday, July 9, 2011


I have decided! I am for the Reproductive Health Bill! Upon this venture of fully understand both sides of the controversial bill, before all these blog entries come to an end- I am a PRO. This especially when I came across this article on the internet that told the story of an incident that happened during a communion in church. Those who were in favor of the RH BILL was not given the chance to go about the process of communion. There were refused by the church to exercise this holy practice just because of their stand on the bill.

I find this awfully disappointing as they continue to show inappropriate behavior towards the reproductive health bill. The church’s actions to convince more people to go against the bill are manifested in a way that is unbecoming of them, that is disappointing in every level especially that they are (the bishops and priests) the people of God. I feel like the more they persuade people to do be against the reproductive health bill by their desperate ways of excommunicating the Catholics’ who do would result to an intense tension in their community.

It is already a fact that regardless of being a country that is predominantly catholic does not mean everybody is. With much understanding and research on this issue, the reasoning’s of the Church is becoming bothersome. It seems like as if they do not know what the word of God is truly saying. They defend themselves with verses that go “be fruitful and increase your number” in Genesis but only stops there. It further goes that God is saying multiply and increase your number, however make sure that you are able to prove the fundamental things your children will need. Meaning parents must be able to provide food, shelter and clothes for them.

With that let’s begin to ask ourselves, why are there so many street children? This is very evident that if you are in the Philippines one way or another you will definitely experience being asked for money by these poor children. Instead of going to school, playing around their respective homes and learning these kids are on the streets begging for money, sometimes even get drenched under the rain when the weather is on a rainy season and the parents do not do anything about it.

This is also why there are many cases of children who die or get into extreme accidents in and outside the house because at four years old they are taught how to cook for the family, carry boiling water in the house for cooking and other purposes. Where is the responsible parenthood enter the picture? More often than not, there would be parents too who would let their children provide the food on the table. These are just some of the extremes of the real problems in our country. I wish that more people especially the church will realize it that the reproductive health bill is not there to harm but PROTECT the welfare of the people in our country.


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