Saturday, June 25, 2011

Catholics who support the RH bill are fake ones!

According to an article in Inquirer last May 2011, A bishop have announced that Catholics who are in favor of the reproductive health bill (RH) bill could not ever be considered as genuine Catholics.

He is Bishop Jose Oliveros of Malolos who made this statedment and have considered it as a warning against Catholics who join the group of Catholics who are for the reproductive health bill or C4RH. He had said that those who will be joining the group and support their advocacy are “Catholic in name only.”

“Maybe they should examine their conscience… Are they still Catholic if they vote for RH? I don’t think so. They will be Catholics in name only,” Oliveros said.

“What will happen is a cafeteria mentality: I like this. I don’t like that. A true Catholic would always embrace every teaching of the Church,” he said.

“The Church has always been consistent. Our popes have been very consistent in saying that using artificial contraception is not in agreement with our faith. We cannot do that. Why can’t they see that?” he said.

The bishop also said that he cannot perceived the idea of Catholics who could support this bill, who will fund the allocation or distribution of these contraceptives in our country and allow sex education in elementary and highschool establishments, when “it is very clear that it’s opposed to the fundamental teaching of the Church.”

“If this were for the rights of women, then that is OK. We are also for the rights of women. But there is also the right of the unborn which we must also protect—the right to be born and the right to be conceived,” he said.

Our Church are the ones who maintains that life ought to begin at conception, proclaims that these use of artificial contraceptives are abortifacient.

Full harmony
“I can’t think of why there are Catholics who are said to be in favor of the RH bill,” Oliveros added.

The Bishops statement came a day later during the catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) which warned those who are faithful about the Reproductive Health Bill. The CBCP president and Tandag Bishop Nereo Odchimar mentioned that the group has been all out in the public proclaiming to be a Catholic associationg that will “bring Catholics into full harmony with their faith and realize that there is no dissonance with their being Catholic and simultaneously believing in the advocacy and goals of reproductive health and rights.”

“We wish to make it clear that the Church does not recognize this group to be an authentic Catholic association or group since it espouses and supports a stand contrary to the magisterial teachings of the Church,” Odchimar said.

Constant teaching

“The uncompromising stand of the Church to uphold the dignity of the person and to protect and respect life from conception to natural death has always been the constant teaching of the Church,” he said.

Odchimar said the public espousal of measures “that directly undermine these nonnegotiable principles of the Catholic faith” is “a sharp wedge that cuts the unity of the Church.”

“Let it be clarified that the Church does not recognize the Catholics for Reproductive Health as a genuine Catholic association or organization in accordance with Canon Law. Any Catholic who freely identifies himself or herself with this group gravely errs,” Odchimar said.


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