Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Going with the flow of being a pro

The people for the implementation of the RH bill in our country stress on the fact that the Philippines have a lot of rooms for improvement and this is the one room that needs to be given a little more priority on. A BIG and INTENSE reality check is what the people working in the government needs to remind and show its people. Only then the Filipinos can work as a country and realize that our beloved country is broken, that is why drastic changes and bills like this must be implemented.
According to the Ikhaan- Center for Women’s Health Incorporation there are ten good reasons why the RH Bill must be approved. The reasons are the following:

1. Protect the health and lives of mothers
- Our WHO (World Health Organization) calculates the difficulties that raises up in 15% of pregnancies, which results are severe enough to get these women hospitalized or killed. There are 2 million plus live births day and 300,000 maternal complications happen yearly. Which makes it 7 times the DOH’s annual count for the arousing disease of TB (Tuberculosis), 19 times for the people who have heart diseases, and 20 times for the people who have malaria (only for the women). The result? More than 11 needlessly women die every day. For women to be saved from maternal complications family planning is one of the best preventative measures.

2. Save babies
- Going through the normal way of giving birth reduces the death of infants. WHO utters that at least 2 years should be the time lapse between the birth and the coming pregnancy. One will notice that in our country this advice is not really follwed. They follow with also mentioning that “the infant mortality rate of those with less than 2 years birth interval is twice as compared to those with 3” If the RH bill will become a law, practicing the family method advices will be more effective and will result to less chances of the next newborn baby to die.

3. Respond to the majority who want smaller families

- According to WHO couples and women in this generation hearts having small families. They were surveyed about their ideal number of kids and the results show that women in their 40s want to have kids above 3, but those in their teens and early 20s want just more than 2. Furthermore, couples end up having a family that is larger than what they have expected. While on the average Filipino women desires having children close to 2 but ends up with 3. The gap between the wanted and the actual number of family members are showed in all the social classes and regions, however, one will notice that the biggest is among those who are in poverty.

As for the seven other reasons for the side of people for the RH bill, it will be definitely here on my next blog. HANG ON!

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