To balance it out, here are some of the arguments presented by the church why they are extremely against the bill.
1. The RH bill contraceptives that cause abortion…
- A unanimous response from the medical experts that include doctors from Harvard Medical School and the May Clinic during the 8th day hearing of the US Senate, a life begins at fertilization, this is when a sperm starts to penetrate the egg. Contraceptives hinder this from happening.
PMA (The Philippines Medical Association), considered the biggest organization of medical practitioners in the country, by way of its distinct society the Philippines Obstretrical and Gynecological Society got Dr.Sylvia Carnero to be its represented president and mentions “life begins at fertilization” at a consultation meeting with the CBCP.
2. Contraceptives endangers health…
- A report was submitted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2007 that contraceptive pills causes cancer due to its high level of carcinogenicity, the same component that is found in cigarettes and asbestos. Aside from this, they claim that is it also one of the sources for stroke as it relatively make the chances of getting heart attacks high.
3. Budget complications…
- The bill demands a budget to obtain free “harmful and deadly” contraceptives from the American multi-national businesses that benefits only the U.S while the budgets for more important causes like the education and food are going to be given less budget for.
4. Promotion of sexual promiscuity leads to…
- RH bill tolerates and promotes sexual promiscuity because of the use of contraceptives. This results in destruction of families, the increase reports of HIV cases, as well as the illegitimate and fatherless children, youth deviancy, more of the single mothers in our country, and increase the number of teenage pregnancies leading to the increase of abortion.
Nobel prize winner, Geroge Akerlof states that “promotion of contraceptives bring about the downgrading of marriage, more extramarital sex, more fatherless children, and more single mothers.” This is due to the chances of men taking an advantage of this privilege. Same goes for the Harvard Director for AIDS prevention, Edward C. Green. Making the condoms available make it easier for people to take greater sexual risks, making the spread of the disease worse.
Another study by Dr. Rene Josef Bullecer goes…
“Dr. Rene Josef Bullecer, Director of AIDS-Free Philippines, said that in 1987, Thailand had 112 AIDS cases, more or less the same number as the Philippines (135). By the year 2003, there were around 750,000 cases in Thailand, where there was an intense campaign for the "100% Condom Use Program", while there were only 1,935 cases in the Philippines, whose population is around 30% greater than Thailand's.”
One more study that makes it all the more reasonable why the bill should not be implemented was the one done in 2003. The results presented that there was a continuous increase of abortion rates and contraceptive use in the US, Cuba, Denmark, Netherlands, Singpaore and South Korea.
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