Sunday, July 3, 2011


"The longer the RH Bill is being argued over, the more that we are distracted from the real problem and wasting time instead of saving lives and helping our fellowmen. Here are the plain truths. Sobering and painful, aren't they? Do you now see why we need the RH Bill? At the end of the day, the bill simply equips you with information. Be responsible for the choices you make." - Nix Nicholas

I firmly support what she had just mentioned. In my own understanding, the Reproductive Health Bill is there for a reason, for a purpose that could ultimately be beneficial most especially for the unfortunate families. That statement I had just said might have several fallacies but let me explain myself furthermore. One of the root causes of over population in the country as they say is the lack of education- the lack of awareness of poor parents to know when and when not to plan having yet another child. If we have the Reproductive Health Bill passed as a law, it will most certainly help a lot of them. They will be taught how to go about family planning, use of contraceptives and etc.

What many do not take into consideration is that, once the Reproductive Health Bill has been passed it would only serve as an option for the parents. It is not like the government will go to the houses of each family and start demanding an ample amount of their time just to listen to them lecture about family planning. It will be the choice of the parents whether or not they would like to visit the centers in which the family planning lectures are being held.

The government recognizes that they will have no absolute control over the people, especially when it is regarding matters or concerns like these, which are very personal. However, it is still part of their job description to provide aids and the means for the people in the country they serve to make their lives better. For me, the government also recognizes that sex will exist with or without this bill and therefore the use of contraceptives are for those people who are not disciplined or just cannot completely get a hold of themselves and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The error enters the picture if the government tries to stop them from doing what they want to do because it will ultimately break the code of being in a democratic country.

Another thing is that, the church argue so much about this being a pro-abortion bill. But people should not just take a stand like that. Are they even aware that using condoms will prevent the sperm from meeting the egg? Because this is the case. They say that life starts once the sperm had met the egg however, with condoms this is prevented so that question is just thrown back to them. Sometimes, the church can just be very unreasonable regardless, they are still a good community however, I feel like now that I’m more on the pro-side of this issue the Church should acknowledge that NOT EVERYBODY IS A CATHOLIC!


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